Sunday, May 20, 2012

Welcome to our Blog

Welcome to our page!  We are 2 teachers who are currently teaching in a GT program in Katy and will be traveling to Scandinavia and Iceland this summer in a quest to learn about renewable energies.  We would first like to thank the Fund for Teachers organization for making this trip possible. Words cannot describe how excited we were when we opened the envelope to reveal that our grant proposal had been accepted. 

  We hope you will join us as we travel through Iceland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden to gather information, conduct interviews and experience an environment that focuses on leaving a zero carbon footprint. 

We will embark on our journey in early June.  We will be posting pictures of our adventure and posting information.   We want to hear from you! If you are Challenge student, we would love to have you post comments to this blog.  Check back soon for updates. 

Lesli Edge and Nancy Hess


  1. I'm so excited you go this grant! Congrats to both of you!

  2. Have a great trip! The girls are excited to hear about your adventures!
