After about another hour and another announcement (in Swedish) we find out from a very nice man sitting behind us that the electrical grid was down in the region and they are now sending us busses heading for our final destination: Oslo Norway.
To make a long story and day short, we panicked and stressed, but finally made it to the airport in time for our flight.
Having persevered, we got to Kevlavik and settled in for a short night, looking so forward to seeing ecotourism in practice, not to mention that our visit to the Blue Lagoon is a great way to experience the power of geothermal energy at work.

This is a country of contradictions in truth.
On our way to the airport today, we were in a somewhat reflective mood as we realize that this it. Our incredible odyssey was coming to an end. We felt energized and ready to bring back all of the wonder and knowledge we have gained both intellectually and emotionally from our research. We are ready to translate this into lessons and hands on experiences for the upcoming year. First through our blog, then in our presentations and lessons back home.
So check back regularly and see the trip through our eyes. We hope you have enjoyed this trip as much as we have!